DIVERSE: Day lilies are propagated by bulb division.

Propagation time

The rainy season is conducive to plant growth

If your plants are leggy, clumpy, too big for your needs or you just want to increase your collection, propagation is in order. And the best time to do it is now, as it is the rainy season, with the air cool and the soil moist, which is conducive to plant growth.
For the beginner, here are some methods you can follow to increase the plants in your collection:


The most common way to propagate plants is by taking stem cuttings. Try this method on schefflera, dieffenbachia, aglaonema, ficus, croton, dracaena, poinsettia, bougainvillea, plumeria and other plants with woody stems.
To take a stem cutting, use a sharp knife and cut off a 10-20cm stem (30cm for plants with big stems, like plumeria). Make the cut just below the point where a leaf joins the stem, as roots develop best at this point. Remove the lower leaves so the bottom two inches of the stem is bare (leaves left at the base of the stem cutting could rot and eventually cause the cutting to die). Dip the end in a root-promoting powder if you wish to speed up the rooting process.
Insert the cuttings vertically in a container of moist coarse sand or equal amounts of coarse sand and burned rice husk. Water and keep in a cool location, with plenty of light but keep it away from direct rain, otherwise your cuttings could rot. After three to four weeks, pull out a cutting gently to check for roots. If roots have formed, pot the new plants.

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From ... http://www.bangkokpost.com/life/family/193516/propagation-time



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